Shuddersome Soundscape #10: Shall We Feast?

 All Hallows Eve has passed, but there still remain three weeks in the Spooky Season. So, join me as we begin to round out this list of ghoulish melodies. This week, we return to our flesh-eating friends for The Creepshow's "Zombies Ate Her Brain."

Canadian band The Creepshow, formed in 2005, specializes in the high-spirited genre of psychobilly, an intriguing mixture of rockabilly (including the use of the stand-up bass) and punk. Alongside fast-paced rhythms and a wicked energy, their lyrics are commonly inspired by horror tropes.

"Zombies Ate Het Brain" clocks in at only around one and a half minutes, making it not only the shortest song on its album but also in our entire Shuddersome Soundscape - a counter to last week's 13-minute adventure. It was featured on the band's first album, Sell Your Soul, with Jen "Hellcat" Blackwood on lead vocals to tell the gruesome story. 

The tale here is easy to find (even summarized by the title), and it feels like a scene straight from a classic horror movie: A girl literally loses her mind to an ambush of ravenous zombies. 

Despite the gory subject matter (or possibly enhanced by it), it's easily a perfectly jaunty tune to swing to at your next belated Halloween party. Just be sure that your guests still have a pulse, and steer clear of the graveyard on your path home.


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